CLD & Sex work/prostitution

CLD & Sex work/prostitution

by Eamonn Custance -
Number of replies: 1

Hi everyone.

I'm trying to find examples of CLD/Com Ed working with sex workers/prostitutes as a primary constituent, either in Scotland or elsewhere. I know that some will have worked with for exmaple feminist or women's organisations that will either have included or specifically focussed on sex workers/prostitutes as potential clients but I cannot find any examples of the CLD profession engaging either with organised sex workers as sex workers.

By organised sex workers I mean for example those organised specifically led by sex workers. In Scotland this would include groups like SCOT-PEP, Umbrella Lane/NUMbrella Lane. I am interested both in current and historical examples of CLD/Com Ed engagement with the issue of sex work. Curiously it appears to be a lacuna in the varied work of CLD and I'd be grateful if anyone either knew of any information or could signpost me somewhere.


In reply to Eamonn Custance

Re: CLD & Sex work/prostitution

by Tila McDonald -

Hi Eamonn. It's a great question and I think you've identified the projects I have heard of. The other place to check out in Glasgow is the Sandyford . Also Youth Health Services, may be able to tell you about people currently working in this area.

I hope this helps.