Improving Gender Balance and Equalities and CLD toolkit: Introduction

Improving Gender Balance and Equalities and CLD toolkit: Introduction

by Kirsty Gemmell -
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Improving Gender Balance and Equalities and CLD toolkit: Introduction for CLD leaders and interested practitioners: 9.30-10.30 am Tuesday 13th June (MS Teams)

IGBE and CLD wakelet

Education Scotland is delighted to be launching this new toolkit to support self-evaluation in the Community Learning and Development sector. Aligned to HGIOCLD?4, the toolkit is aimed at CLD leaders, who can influence change in the system, and will also be of interest to practitioners.

This session will provide:

·       An overview of why gender equality is becoming increasingly important in all aspects of life

·       A chance to explore the value that developing a better understanding of gender equality data can bring to CLD planning and evaluation.

·       An introduction to the data guide, self-evaluation framework and supporting documents

·       Highlights from the learning and impacts from pilot sites

·       An outline of support available to CLD providers wishing to engage with the toolkit

·       An opportunity to consider how your CLD provision might use the toolkit


Research shows us that transformational change requires a whole system approach. With this in mind, the self-evaluation framework focuses heavily on Leadership and Direction, including the Quality Indicators 6.1 Raising Standards and 6.2 Securing Improvement. It also includes QIs from Performance and Outcomes and Management and Delivery.

To find out more or to book your place on this introductory session please contact Oonagh McGarry at . This session will be repeated in the autumn.