Using data and statistics in CLD...

Using data and statistics in CLD...

by Barry McPhilemy -
Number of replies: 1

Hi all.

Tentative post around data and statistics and how you are using or may be thinking of using them within a CLD context.

As a youth and community worker, I am involved in a pilot project where all documentation completed by the team, I work in is gathered electronically.

While this allows the opportunity for gathering a vast range of data and statistics more efficiently, trends and patterns are something.

I’ll be joining along with the Digital Community Learning and Development (CLD) Practitioners Network taking place 25th October. 

Hoping to generate some ideas around this for future work.

In reply to Barry McPhilemy

Re: Using data and statistics in CLD...

by Laura Starkey -

Hiya, I wasn't quite sure what your discussion on data was to focus on. Data is used in a variety of different ways in CLD in local authorities, Colleges and third sector organisations across Scotland.

Examples may include for quality assurance, through management information systems such as cognisoft or other systems, for locality planning or development of CLD Plans. Data and statistics can be used by CLD for promotion of services for learners, as well as annual reports for committees or local authority reporting. 

Here is the link to the Education Scotland page which has all of the CLD plans from across Scotland which include huge amounts of data to develop outcomes for CLD across CLD partnerships. Community Learning and Development Planning 2021 – 2024 | Resources | Education Scotland

Please be aware that data can be qualitative as well as quantitative. There are numerous different professional learning offers that link to this. Education Scotland have recently piloted a Community Needs Analysis for CLD in Highland, as well as delivering Self-evaluation for Continuous Improvement professional learning which links in to this. These are organised with the CLD leads at local authorities.

I see that you have linked in with Education Scotland's digital network so look forward to seeing you there.

If you have any further specific questions please do let me know.