Committee skills

Committee skills

by Sue Holland-smith -
Number of replies: 3

hi, does anyone have a resource for working on committee skills with groups? i know there have been various packs in the past but wondered if there is anything people are currently using. Thanks!

In reply to Sue Holland-smith

Re: Committee skills

by Pauline Roberts -

Hi Sue

Not sure if you got anything back from anyone but this is an area we've been looking at too. Have had various tools over the years but trying to get some more up to dates ones. Happy to chat.

In reply to Pauline Roberts

Re: Committee skills

by Sue Holland-smith -

thanks Pauline, I will contact you by email, would be good to discuss further

In reply to Sue Holland-smith

Re: Committee skills

by Dawn Brown -
Hi Sue

Apologies. This has only just shown up for me. 

I have a number of resources I could send. Is there anything in particular that you need? 

There is also the very helpful site that has a wealth of resources 

If it’s still pertinent, pop me an email - 
