Community-led health is central to asset-based approaches to tackling health inequalities and co-production and is of increasing importance to community learning and development practitioners working in collaborative contexts with colleagues from other sectors such as health or the voluntary sector. As a consequence, the need for improved learning about, and understanding the benefits of, community-led approaches to health improvement has never been greater, at both strategic and operational levels.
The Community-led Health for All learning resource, which has been produced by the Scottish Community Development Centre (SCDC), is intended to help meet this need. It outlines the competences that are necessary to promote and support community-led health approaches and enable them to affect significant change in health inequalities. The resource will, for the first time, give a clear outline of the skills, knowledge and understanding that practitioners, managers and planners require to undertake, develop and support community-led approaches to health improvement and to tackling health inequalities.
It is intended to provide a reference point and structure against which a wide range of practitioners, managers and planners can map their existing skills and knowledge base and identify gaps and learning needs. It also allows training and learning providers to identify training priorities and gaps for the workforce, relevant levels of provision, and particular target groups within the workforce.
For more information about the resource please contact David Allan at SCDC – or Janet Muir in the Community Health Exchange (CHEX) –