i-develop – your own personal trainer!

If you haven’t had a chance yet to spend some time on i-develop, don’t leave it any longer.

The i-develop service is provided as part of CLD Standards Council for Scotland's 'Strategy for Growing the learning culture in CLD'.  The aim of i-develop is to support creative and innovative learning and development for CLD practitioners, based on the values, principles, skills and competencies they need as communities, individuals and employers. i-develop integrates the theories and practices that help shape effective professional learning for the CLD sector, such as peer sharing, communities of practice, learning journeys and reflection-in-action in order to shape a learning community of practitioners across CLD. 

It’s all about the CLD competencies...

When we looked earlier at the range of contexts within which CLD volunteers are operating and the different groups they support, we saw that what they have in common is that they are all using the CLD competencies in some way.

One of the things that the CLDSC does on behalf of the sector is to approve learning programmes for CLD practitioners. This is an endorsement of the quality of these programmes in respect of supporting the development of the CLD competencies at a range of levels.  CLDSC also offers a Standards Mark which confirms those programmes bearing the Standards Mark have met specific quality criteria.

Professional Learning Opportunities

Hopefully most CLD volunteers operate in an environment where they get support and encouragement to improve their practice and to undertake personal development and professional learning that makes the most of what they have to offer.  But even in supportive settings, it is hard for everyone to keep up to date with new developments and what is available.  Part of the thinking behind this theme is to bring together in one place information about professional learning opportunities of particular relevance to CLD volunteers and to make this available both to volunteers themselves and to those who deploy them.

PL programmes range from 2.5 hour informal learning sessions to accredited programmes. You may already have heard of the Scottish Qualifications Framework which assigns levels which are consistent across all accredited programmes in Scotland. This is great news for volunteers who may wish to gain qualifications leading to paid work.  The link below takes you to the framework.


If you have been volunteering in CLD for any length of time you will know that we are all passionate about what we do and passionate about encouraging others to join us. What this means is that when you come to look at the opportunities available in your area and you see something that is not currently offered in your locality, there is every chance that where there are spaces available you could be accepted on to the programme you are interested in.

We are at the early stages of mapping learning opportunities by region or area.  These correspond to the CLD Regional Networks which cover most of Scotland. We also hope to include as much information as possible about PL opportunities in areas not yet covered by a Network.  Links to information about opportunities available through the Tayside and Fife Professional Learning Alliance and the West CLD Alliance can be found on the homepage here on I-develop.   The Northern Alliance has its own website  which can be found at


Need some support with improving your practice?

Some CLD volunteers work in relative isolation and do not have more experienced CLD practitioners to help with their development.

If this is you get in touch through Contact@CLDStandardsCouncil.org.uk and we may be able to help.

Last modified: Thursday, 17 October 2024, 2:21 PM